package main import ( "encoding/json" "log" "net/http" "strconv" "" ) //API represents the api type API struct { games map[int]*Session nextInt int } //NewAPI creates new API instance func NewAPI() *API { return &API{ games: make(map[int]*Session), nextInt: 1, } } //NewGame takes a POST and creates a new game or returns an open one func (a *API) NewGame(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { for i, g := range { if !g.redPlayer.Ready { log.Println("red player somehow not ready") g.redPlayer.Ready = true if g.bluePlayer.Ready { g.simulator.Setup() initDummy(g.simulator) log.Println("dummy game started") } respondWithJSON(res, http.StatusOK, newGameResp{i, "red"}) return } if !g.bluePlayer.Ready { g.bluePlayer.Ready = true if g.redPlayer.Ready { g.simulator.Setup() initDummy(g.simulator) log.Println("dummy game started") } respondWithJSON(res, http.StatusOK, newGameResp{i, "blue"}) return } } log.Printf("creating new game %v", a.nextInt)[a.nextInt] = NewSession(8)[a.nextInt].redPlayer.Ready = true respondWithJSON(res, http.StatusOK, newGameResp{a.nextInt, "red"}) a.nextInt = a.nextInt + 1 } //GetGame returns current state of game, filtered accordingly func (a *API) GetGame(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { vars := mux.Vars(req) id, err := strconv.Atoi(vars["id"]) if err != nil { respondWithError(res, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid game ID") return } pid := req.Header.Get("Player-id") var p *Player s, isset :=[id] if !isset { respondWithError(res, http.StatusBadRequest, "No such game") return } if pid == "red" { p = s.redPlayer } else if pid == "blue" { p = s.bluePlayer } else { respondWithError(res, http.StatusBadRequest, "Bad player ID") return } log.Println("sending game state") board := s.getBoard(p) rotate := req.Header.Get("Rotate") if rotate == "true" { log.Println("rotating output") //rotateBoard(board) //rotateBoard(board) //rotateBoard(board) } respondWithJSON(res, http.StatusOK, gameResp{board}) return } //GetGameStatus returns current game status and turn number func (a *API) GetGameStatus(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { vars := mux.Vars(req) id, err := strconv.Atoi(vars["id"]) if err != nil { respondWithError(res, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid game ID") return } s, isset :=[id] if !isset { respondWithError(res, http.StatusBadRequest, "No such game") return } pid := req.Header.Get("Player-id") var p *Player if pid == "red" { p = s.redPlayer } else if pid == "blue" { p = s.bluePlayer } else { respondWithError(res, http.StatusBadRequest, "Bad player ID") return } log.Printf("sending game status to player %v", p.Team) respondWithJSON(res, http.StatusOK, gameStatusResp{s.simulator.State, s.moveNum}) } //PostMove attempts to make a game move func (a *API) PostMove(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { vars := mux.Vars(req) id, err := strconv.Atoi(vars["id"]) if err != nil { respondWithError(res, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid game ID") return } var gr gameMovePostReq decoder := json.NewDecoder(req.Body) if err := decoder.Decode(&gr); err != nil { respondWithError(res, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid request payload") return } defer req.Body.Close() pid := req.Header.Get("Player-id") var p *Player s, isset :=[id] if !isset { respondWithError(res, http.StatusBadRequest, "No such game") return } if pid == "red" { p = s.redPlayer } else if pid == "blue" { p = s.bluePlayer } else { respondWithError(res, http.StatusBadRequest, "Bad player ID") return } parsed, err := s.tryMove(p, gr.Move) if err != nil { respondWithError(res, http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error()) } result, err := s.mutate(parsed) if err != nil { respondWithError(res, http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error()) } if result == "" { respondWithJSON(res, http.StatusOK, gameMovePostRes{true, false, "", err}) } respondWithJSON(res, http.StatusOK, gameMovePostRes{true, true, result, err}) } //GetMove returns the move made at turn X func (a *API) GetMove(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { vars := mux.Vars(req) id, err := strconv.Atoi(vars["id"]) if err != nil { respondWithError(res, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid game ID") return } move, err := strconv.Atoi(vars["movenum"]) if err != nil { respondWithError(res, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid move number") return } var p *Player s, isset :=[id] if !isset { respondWithError(res, http.StatusBadRequest, "No such game") return } pid := req.Header.Get("Player-id") if pid == "red" { p = s.redPlayer } else if pid == "blue" { p = s.bluePlayer } else { respondWithError(res, http.StatusBadRequest, "Bad player ID") return } moveRes, err := s.getMove(p, move) if err != nil { respondWithError(res, http.StatusBadRequest, "No such move") return } respondWithJSON(res, http.StatusOK, gameMoveRes{moveRes}) }