--- - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: check guildgate version uri: url: https://git.saintnet.tech/api/v1/repos/stryan/guildgate/releases?limit=1 return_content: true register: guildgate_latest - name: "downloading and installing guildgate {{ guildgate_latest.json[0].tag_name }}" block: - name: create temp directory tempfile: state: directory suffix: dwn register: tempfolder_1 - name: download guildgate loop: "{{ guildgate_latest.json[0].assets }}" when: "'amd64.tar.gz' in item.name" unarchive: remote_src: yes src: "{{ item.browser_download_url }}" dest: "{{ tempfolder_1.path }}" keep_newer: yes - name: installing guildgate binary copy: remote_src: yes src: "{{ tempfolder_1.path }}/build/usr/local/bin/guildgate" dest: /usr/local/bin/ mode: '0755' register: new_binary - name: installing unit file copy: remote_src: yes src: "{{ tempfolder_1.path }}/init/guildgate.service" dest: /etc/systemd/system/guildgate.service register: new_unit - name: installing default templates copy: remote_src: yes src: "{{ tempfolder_1.path}}/build/usr/local/share/guildgate/" dest: /usr/local/share - name: reload systemd with new unit systemd: daemon_reload: yes when: new_unit.changed or new_binary.changed - name: start service systemd: name: guildgate state: restarted when: new_binary.changed