import forEach from "lodash/forEach"; import { LinkKind, SafeLink, Link, LinkContent, Arguments, Permalink, } from "./types"; /* * Verifiers are regexes which will match valid * identifiers to their type. (This is a lie, they * can return anything) */ type Verifier = [RegExp, A]; export const roomVerifiers: Verifier[] = [ [/^#([^/:]+?):(.+)$/, LinkKind.Alias], [/^!([^/:]+?):(.+)$/, LinkKind.RoomId], ]; export const verifiers: Verifier[] = [ [/^[!#]([^/:]+?):(.+?)\/\$([^/:]+?):(.+?)$/, LinkKind.Permalink], [/^@([^/:]+?):(.+)$/, LinkKind.UserId], [/^\+([^/:]+?):(.+)$/, LinkKind.GroupId], ...roomVerifiers, ]; /* * identifyTypeFromRegex applies the verifiers to the identifier and * returns the identifier's type */ export function identifyTypeFromRegex( identifier: string, verifiers: Verifier[], fail: F ): T | F { if (identifier !== encodeURI(identifier)) { return fail; } return verifiers.reduce((kind, verifier) => { if (kind !== fail) { return kind; } if (identifier.match(verifier[0])) { return verifier[1]; } return kind; }, fail); } /* * Parses a permalink. * Assumes the permalink is correct. */ export function parsePermalink(identifier: string): Permalink { const [roomLink, eventId] = identifier.split("/"); const roomKind = identifyTypeFromRegex( roomLink, roomVerifiers, // This is hacky but we're assuming identifier is a valid permalink LinkKind.Alias ); return { roomKind, roomLink, eventId, }; } /* * Repalces null with undefined */ function bottomExchange(nullable: T | null): T | undefined { if (nullable === null) return undefined; return nullable; } /* * parseArgs parses the part of links */ export function parseArgs(args: string): Arguments { const params = new URLSearchParams(args); return { vias: params.getAll("via"), client: bottomExchange(params.get("client")), sharer: bottomExchange(params.get("sharer")), }; } /* * parseLink takes a striped hash link (without the '#/' prefix) * and parses into a Link. If the parse failed the result will * be ParseFailed */ export function parseHash(hash: string): Link { const [identifier, args] = hash.split("?"); const kind = identifyTypeFromRegex( identifier, verifiers, LinkKind.ParseFailed ); const parsedLink: LinkContent = { identifier, arguments: parseArgs(args), originalLink: hash, }; if (kind === LinkKind.Permalink) { const { roomKind, roomLink, eventId } = parsePermalink(identifier); return { kind, ...parsedLink, roomKind, roomLink, eventId, }; } return { kind, ...parsedLink, }; } /* * toURI converts a Link to a url. It's recommended * to use the original link instead of toURI if it existed. * This is handy function in case the Link was constructed. */ export function toURL(origin: string, link: SafeLink): URL { const params = new URLSearchParams(); const url = new URL(origin); switch (link.kind) { case LinkKind.GroupId: case LinkKind.UserId: case LinkKind.RoomId: case LinkKind.Alias: case LinkKind.Permalink: forEach(link.arguments, (value, key) => { if (value === undefined) { // do nothing } else if (key === "vias") { (value as string[]).forEach((via) => params.append("via", via) ); } else { params.append(key, value.toString()); } }); url.hash = `/${link.identifier}?${params.toString()}`; } return url; }