package bridge import ( "context" "fmt" "log" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" ) type fromDiscord struct { decoder *gopus.Decoder pcm chan []int16 receiving bool // is used to to track the assumption that we are streaming a continuos stream form discord streaming bool // The buffer streaming is streaming out lastSequence uint16 lastTimeStamp uint32 } // DiscordDuplex Handle discord voice stream type DiscordDuplex struct { Bridge *BridgeState discordMutex sync.Mutex fromDiscordMap map[uint32]fromDiscord } // OnError gets called by dgvoice when an error is encountered. // By default logs to STDERR var OnError = func(str string, err error) { prefix := "dgVoice: " + str if err != nil { log.Println(prefix + ": " + err.Error()) } else { log.Println(prefix) } } // SendPCM will receive on the provied channel encode // received PCM data into Opus then send that to Discordgo func (dd *DiscordDuplex) discordSendPCM(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup, cancel context.CancelFunc, pcm <-chan []int16) { const channels int = 1 const frameRate int = 48000 // audio sampling rate const frameSize int = 960 // uint16 size of each audio frame const maxBytes int = (frameSize * 2) * 2 // max size of opus data streaming := false opusEncoder, err := gopus.NewEncoder(frameRate, channels, gopus.Audio) if err != nil { OnError("NewEncoder Error", err) panic(err) } // Generate Opus Silence Frame opusSilence := []byte{0xf8, 0xff, 0xfe} sleepTick := sleepct.SleepCT{} sleepTick.Start(20 * time.Millisecond) lastReady := true var readyTimeout *time.Timer var speakingStart time.Time wg.Add(1) internalSend := func(opus []byte) { dd.Bridge.DiscordVoice.RWMutex.RLock() if !dd.Bridge.DiscordVoice.Ready || dd.Bridge.DiscordVoice.OpusSend == nil { if lastReady { OnError(fmt.Sprintf("Discordgo not ready for opus packets. %+v : %+v", dd.Bridge.DiscordVoice.Ready, dd.Bridge.DiscordVoice.OpusSend), nil) readyTimeout = time.AfterFunc(30*time.Second, func() { log.Println("Debug: Set ready timeout") cancel() }) lastReady = false } } else if !lastReady { fmt.Println("Discordgo ready to send opus packets") lastReady = true readyTimeout.Stop() } else { dd.Bridge.DiscordVoice.OpusSend <- opus promDiscordSentPackets.Inc() } dd.Bridge.DiscordVoice.RWMutex.RUnlock() } for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): wg.Done() return default: } promTimerDiscordSend.Observe(float64(sleepTick.SleepNextTarget())) if (len(pcm) > 1 && streaming) || (len(pcm) > dd.Bridge.BridgeConfig.DiscordStartStreamingCount && !streaming) { if !streaming { speakingStart = time.Now() dd.Bridge.DiscordVoice.Speaking(true) streaming = true } r1 := <-pcm r2 := <-pcm // try encoding pcm frame with Opus opus, err := opusEncoder.Encode(append(r1, r2...), frameSize, maxBytes) if err != nil { OnError("Encoding Error", err) continue } internalSend(opus) } else { if streaming { // Check to see if there is a short speaking cycle. // It is possible that short speaking cycle is the result of a short input to mumble (Not a problem). ie a quick tap of push to talk button. // Or when timing delays are introduced via network, hardware or kernel delays (Problem). // The problem delays result in choppy or stuttering sounds, especially when the silence frames are introduced into the opus frames below. // Multiple short cycle delays can result in a Discrod rate limiter being trigger due to of multiple JSON speaking/not-speaking state changes if time.Since(speakingStart).Milliseconds() < 50 { log.Println("Warning: Short Mumble to Discord speaking cycle. Consider increaseing the size of the to Discord jitter buffer.") } // Send silence as suggested by Discord Documentation. // We want to do this after alerting the user of possible short speaking cycles for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { internalSend(opusSilence) promTimerDiscordSend.Observe(float64(sleepTick.SleepNextTarget())) } dd.Bridge.DiscordVoice.Speaking(false) streaming = false } } } } // ReceivePCM will receive on the the Discordgo OpusRecv channel and decode // the opus audio into PCM then send it on the provided channel. func (dd *DiscordDuplex) discordReceivePCM(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup, cancel context.CancelFunc) { var err error lastReady := true var readyTimeout *time.Timer var zeros [480]int16 for i := 0; i < 480; i++ { zeros[i] = 0 } wg.Add(1) for { dd.Bridge.DiscordVoice.RWMutex.RLock() if !dd.Bridge.DiscordVoice.Ready || dd.Bridge.DiscordVoice.OpusRecv == nil { if lastReady { OnError(fmt.Sprintf("Discordgo not to receive opus packets. %+v : %+v", dd.Bridge.DiscordVoice.Ready, dd.Bridge.DiscordVoice.OpusSend), nil) readyTimeout = time.AfterFunc(30*time.Second, func() { log.Println("Debug: Set ready timeout") cancel() }) lastReady = false } continue } else if !lastReady { fmt.Println("Discordgo ready to receive packets") lastReady = true readyTimeout.Stop() } dd.Bridge.DiscordVoice.RWMutex.RUnlock() var ok bool var p *discordgo.Packet select { case <-ctx.Done(): wg.Done() return case p, ok = <-dd.Bridge.DiscordVoice.OpusRecv: } if !ok { log.Println("Opus not ok") continue } dd.discordMutex.Lock() _, ok = dd.fromDiscordMap[p.SSRC] if !ok { newStream := fromDiscord{} newStream.pcm = make(chan []int16, 100) newStream.receiving = false newStream.streaming = false newStream.decoder, err = gopus.NewDecoder(48000, 1) // Decode into mono if err != nil { OnError("error creating opus decoder", err) dd.discordMutex.Unlock() continue } dd.fromDiscordMap[p.SSRC] = newStream } s := dd.fromDiscordMap[p.SSRC] deltaT := int(p.Timestamp - s.lastTimeStamp) if p.Sequence-s.lastSequence != 1 { s.decoder.ResetState() } // oldReceiving := s.receiving if !s.receiving || deltaT < 1 || deltaT > 960*10 { // First packet assume deltaT // fmt.Println("replacing", deltaT, 960) deltaT = 960 s.receiving = true } s.lastTimeStamp = p.Timestamp s.lastSequence = p.Sequence dd.fromDiscordMap[p.SSRC] = s dd.discordMutex.Unlock() p.PCM, err = s.decoder.Decode(p.Opus, deltaT*2, false) if err != nil { OnError("Error decoding opus data", err) continue } // fmt.Println(p.SSRC, p.Type, deltaT, p.Sequence, p.Sequence-s.lastSequence, oldReceiving, s.streaming, len(p.Opus), len(p.PCM)) promDiscordReceivedPackets.Inc() // Push data into pcm channel in 10ms chunks of mono pcm data dd.discordMutex.Lock() for l := 0; l < len(p.PCM); l = l + 480 { var next []int16 u := l + 480 next = p.PCM[l:u] select { case dd.fromDiscordMap[p.SSRC].pcm <- next: default: log.Println("From Discord buffer full. Dropping packet") } } dd.discordMutex.Unlock() } } func (dd *DiscordDuplex) fromDiscordMixer(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup, toMumble chan<- gumble.AudioBuffer) { mumbleSilence := gumble.AudioBuffer{} for i := 3; i < 480; i++ { mumbleSilence = append(mumbleSilence, 0x00) } var speakingStart time.Time sleepTick := sleepct.SleepCT{} sleepTick.Start(10 * time.Millisecond) sendAudio := false toMumbleStreaming := false wg.Add(1) for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): wg.Done() return default: } promTimerDiscordMixer.Observe(float64(sleepTick.SleepNextTarget())) dd.discordMutex.Lock() sendAudio = false internalMixerArr := make([][]int16, 0) streamingCount := 0 // Work through each channel for i := range dd.fromDiscordMap { bufferLength := len(dd.fromDiscordMap[i].pcm) isStreaming := dd.fromDiscordMap[i].streaming if (bufferLength > 0 && isStreaming) || (bufferLength > dd.Bridge.BridgeConfig.MumbleStartStreamCount && !isStreaming) { if !toMumbleStreaming { speakingStart = time.Now() toMumbleStreaming = true } sendAudio = true if !isStreaming { x := dd.fromDiscordMap[i] x.streaming = true dd.fromDiscordMap[i] = x } streamingCount++ x1 := (<-dd.fromDiscordMap[i].pcm) internalMixerArr = append(internalMixerArr, x1) } else { if dd.fromDiscordMap[i].streaming { x := dd.fromDiscordMap[i] x.streaming = false x.receiving = false // toggle this here is not optimal but there is no better location atm. dd.fromDiscordMap[i] = x } } } promDiscordArraySize.Set(float64(len(dd.fromDiscordMap))) promDiscordStreaming.Set(float64(streamingCount)) dd.discordMutex.Unlock() mumbleTimeoutSend := func(outBuf []int16) { timeout := make(chan bool, 1) go func() { time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond) timeout <- true }() select { case toMumble <- outBuf: promSentMumblePackets.Inc() case <-timeout: log.Println("To Mumble timeout. Dropping packet") promToMumbleDropped.Inc() } } if sendAudio { // Regular send mixed audio outBuf := make([]int16, 480) for j := 0; j < len(internalMixerArr); j++ { for i := 0; i < len(internalMixerArr[j]); i++ { outBuf[i] += (internalMixerArr[j])[i] } } mumbleTimeoutSend(outBuf) } else if !sendAudio && toMumbleStreaming { // Send opus silence to mumble // See note above about jitter buffer warning if time.Since(speakingStart).Milliseconds() < 50 { log.Println("Warning: Short Discord to Mumble speaking cycle. Consider increaseing the size of the to Mumble jitter buffer.", time.Since(speakingStart).Milliseconds()) } for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { mumbleTimeoutSend(mumbleSilence) promTimerDiscordMixer.Observe(float64(sleepTick.SleepNextTarget())) } toMumbleStreaming = false } } }