# Copyright (c) 2020 Tulir Asokan # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from typing import Dict, TypedDict from io import BytesIO import argparse import os.path import asyncio import json import re from aiohttp import ClientSession from yarl import URL from PIL import Image from telethon import TelegramClient from telethon.tl.functions.messages import GetAllStickersRequest, GetStickerSetRequest from telethon.tl.types.messages import AllStickers from telethon.tl.types import InputStickerSetShortName, Document from telethon.tl.types.messages import StickerSet as StickerSetFull parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--list", help="List your saved sticker packs", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--session", help="Telethon session file name", default="sticker-import") parser.add_argument("--config", help="Path to JSON file with Matrix homeserver and access_token", type=str, default="config.json") parser.add_argument("--output-dir", help="Directory to write packs to", default="web/packs/", type=str) parser.add_argument("pack", help="Sticker pack URLs to import", action="append", nargs="*") args = parser.parse_args() async def whoami(url: URL, access_token: str) -> str: headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"} async with ClientSession() as sess, sess.get(url, headers=headers) as resp: resp.raise_for_status() user_id = (await resp.json())["user_id"] print(f"Access token validated (user ID: {user_id})") return user_id try: with open(args.config) as config_file: config = json.load(config_file) homeserver_url = config["homeserver"] access_token = config["access_token"] except FileNotFoundError: print("Matrix config file not found. Please enter your homeserver and access token.") homeserver_url = input("Homeserver URL: ") access_token = input("Access token: ") whoami_url = URL(homeserver_url) / "_matrix" / "client" / "r0" / "account" / "whoami" user_id = asyncio.run(whoami(whoami_url, access_token)) with open(args.config, "w") as config_file: json.dump({ "homeserver": homeserver_url, "user_id": user_id, "access_token": access_token }, config_file) print(f"Wrote config to {args.config}") upload_url = URL(homeserver_url) / "_matrix" / "media" / "r0" / "upload" async def upload(data: bytes, mimetype: str, filename: str) -> str: url = upload_url.with_query({"filename": filename}) headers = {"Content-Type": mimetype, "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"} async with ClientSession() as sess, sess.post(url, data=data, headers=headers) as resp: return (await resp.json())["content_uri"] class MatrixMediaInfo(TypedDict): w: int h: int size: int mimetype: str class MatrixStickerInfo(TypedDict, total=False): body: str url: str info: MatrixMediaInfo def convert_image(data: bytes) -> (bytes, int, int): image: Image.Image = Image.open(BytesIO(data)).convert("RGBA") image.thumbnail((256, 256), Image.ANTIALIAS) new_file = BytesIO() image.save(new_file, "png") w, h = image.size return new_file.getvalue(), w, h async def reupload_document(client: TelegramClient, document: Document) -> MatrixStickerInfo: print(f"Reuploading {document.id}", end="", flush=True) data = await client.download_media(document, file=bytes) print(".", end="", flush=True) data, width, height = convert_image(data) print(".", end="", flush=True) mxc = await upload(data, "image/png", f"{document.id}.png") print(".", flush=True) return { "body": "", "url": mxc, "info": { "w": width, "h": height, "size": len(data), "mimetype": "image/png", }, } def add_to_index(name: str) -> None: index_path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, "index.json") try: with open(index_path) as index_file: index_data = json.load(index_file) except (FileNotFoundError, json.JSONDecodeError): index_data = {"packs": [], "homeserver_url": homeserver_url} if name not in index_data["packs"]: index_data["packs"].append(name) with open(index_path, "w") as index_file: json.dump(index_data, index_file, indent=" ") print(f"Added {name} to {index_path}") async def reupload_pack(client: TelegramClient, pack: StickerSetFull) -> None: if pack.set.animated: print("Animated stickerpacks are currently not supported") return pack_path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, f"{pack.set.short_name}.json") try: os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(pack_path)) except FileExistsError: pass print(f"Reuploading {pack.set.title} with {pack.set.count} stickers " f"and writing output to {pack_path}") already_uploaded = {} try: with open(pack_path) as pack_file: existing_pack = json.load(pack_file) already_uploaded = {sticker["net.maunium.telegram.sticker"]["id"]: sticker for sticker in existing_pack["stickers"]} print(f"Found {len(already_uploaded)} already reuploaded stickers") except FileNotFoundError: pass reuploaded_documents: Dict[int, MatrixStickerInfo] = {} for document in pack.documents: try: reuploaded_documents[document.id] = already_uploaded[document.id] print(f"Skipped reuploading {document.id}") except KeyError: reuploaded_documents[document.id] = await reupload_document(client, document) for sticker in pack.packs: for document_id in sticker.documents: doc = reuploaded_documents[document_id] doc["body"] = sticker.emoticon doc["net.maunium.telegram.sticker"] = { "pack": { "id": pack.set.id, "short_name": pack.set.short_name, }, "id": document_id, "emoticon": sticker.emoticon, } with open(pack_path, "w") as pack_file: json.dump({ "title": pack.set.title, "short_name": pack.set.short_name, "id": pack.set.id, "hash": pack.set.hash, "stickers": list(reuploaded_documents.values()), }, pack_file, ensure_ascii=False) print(f"Saved {pack.set.title} as {pack.set.short_name}.json") add_to_index(os.path.basename(pack_path)) pack_url_regex = re.compile(r"^(?:(?:https?://)?(?:t|telegram)\.(?:me|dog)/addstickers/)?" r"([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)" r"(?:\.json)?$") async def main(): client = TelegramClient(args.session, 298751, "cb676d6bae20553c9996996a8f52b4d7") await client.start() if args.list: stickers: AllStickers = await client(GetAllStickersRequest(hash=0)) index = 1 width = len(str(stickers.sets)) print("Your saved sticker packs:") for saved_pack in stickers.sets: print(f"{index:>{width}}. {saved_pack.title} " f"(t.me/addstickers/{saved_pack.short_name})") elif args.pack[0]: input_packs = [] for pack_url in args.pack[0]: match = pack_url_regex.match(pack_url) if not match: print(f"'{pack_url}' doesn't look like a sticker pack URL") return input_packs.append(InputStickerSetShortName(short_name=match.group(1))) for input_pack in input_packs: pack: StickerSetFull = await client(GetStickerSetRequest(input_pack)) await reupload_pack(client, pack) else: parser.print_help() asyncio.run(main())