add first weatherbot

This commit is contained in:
stryan 2020-04-09 18:11:15 -04:00
parent 6008464684
commit 7a8ee6dd94
3 changed files with 147 additions and 0 deletions

weatherbot/main.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package main
import (
var apiKey = "7501365e9803ca244bf100fb41084538"
var lat = "39.004608"
var long = "-76.875671"
func main() {
oneCallUrl := fmt.Sprintf("", lat, long, apiKey)
response, err := http.Get(oneCallUrl)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("The HTTP request failed with error %s\n", err)
data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
var report OneCallReport
err = json.Unmarshal(data, &report)
if err != nil {

weatherbot/today.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package main
import (
const todayTemplate = `Today's Weather:
Conditions: {{range .Weather}} {{.Description}} {{end}}
Morning Temp: {{.Temp.Morn}} F, Feels like {{.FeelsLike.Morn}} F
Daytime Temp: {{.Temp.Day}} F, Feels like {{.FeelsLike.Day}} F
Evening Temp: {{.Temp.Eve}} F, Feels like {{.FeelsLike.Eve}} F
LateNight Temp: {{.Temp.Night}} F, Feels like {{.FeelsLike.Night}} F
func TodayToReport(today Daily) string {
var report strings.Builder
tmpl, err := template.New("today").Parse(todayTemplate)
if err != nil {
if today.Rain > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&report, "Might rain today (Rain == %v)\n", today.Rain)
if today.WindSpeed > 12.00 {
fmt.Fprintf(&report, "Seems pretty windy today (WindSpeed == %v)\n", today.WindSpeed)
if today.Humidity > 80.0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&report, "High humidity today! (Humidity == %v)\n", today.Humidity)
if err := tmpl.Execute(&report, today); err != nil {
return report.String()

weatherbot/types.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
package main
type OneCallReport struct {
Lat int `json:"lat"`
Lon float64 `json:"lon"`
Timezone string `json:"timezone"`
Current Current `json:"current"`
Hourly []Hourly `json:"hourly"`
Daily []Daily `json:"daily"`
type Weather struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Main string `json:"main"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Icon string `json:"icon"`
type Current struct {
Dt int `json:"dt"`
Sunrise int `json:"sunrise"`
Sunset int `json:"sunset"`
Temp float64 `json:"temp"`
FeelsLike float64 `json:"feels_like"`
Pressure int `json:"pressure"`
Humidity int `json:"humidity"`
DewPoint float64 `json:"dew_point"`
Uvi float64 `json:"uvi"`
Clouds int `json:"clouds"`
Visibility int `json:"visibility"`
WindSpeed float64 `json:"wind_speed"`
WindDeg int `json:"wind_deg"`
WindGust float64 `json:"wind_gust"`
Weather []Weather `json:"weather"`
Rain Rain `json:"rain"`
type Rain struct {
OneH float64 `json:"1h"`
type Hourly struct {
Dt int `json:"dt"`
Temp float64 `json:"temp"`
FeelsLike float64 `json:"feels_like"`
Pressure int `json:"pressure"`
Humidity int `json:"humidity"`
DewPoint float64 `json:"dew_point"`
Clouds int `json:"clouds"`
WindSpeed float64 `json:"wind_speed"`
WindDeg int `json:"wind_deg"`
Weather []Weather `json:"weather"`
Rain Rain `json:"rain,omitempty"`
type Temp struct {
Day float64 `json:"day"`
Min float64 `json:"min"`
Max float64 `json:"max"`
Night float64 `json:"night"`
Eve float64 `json:"eve"`
Morn float64 `json:"morn"`
type FeelsLike struct {
Day float64 `json:"day"`
Night float64 `json:"night"`
Eve float64 `json:"eve"`
Morn float64 `json:"morn"`
type Daily struct {
Dt int `json:"dt"`
Sunrise int `json:"sunrise"`
Sunset int `json:"sunset"`
Temp Temp `json:"temp"`
FeelsLike FeelsLike `json:"feels_like"`
Pressure int `json:"pressure"`
Humidity int `json:"humidity"`
DewPoint float64 `json:"dew_point"`
WindSpeed float64 `json:"wind_speed"`
WindDeg int `json:"wind_deg"`
Weather []Weather `json:"weather"`
Clouds int `json:"clouds"`
Rain float64 `json:"rain,omitempty"`
Uvi float64 `json:"uvi"`