
190 lines
4.9 KiB

import React from 'react'
import useWebSocket from 'react-use-websocket'
import assertNever from '~/common/assertNever.ts'
import { useUser } from '../user.tsx'
import { AsyncHandle, GameCommand, GameAction } from './types.ts'
const MY_ID = (function(){
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);
return v.toString(16);
function shouldReconnect() {
return true
// session commands
// query, join, leave, play (game command), poll
interface SessionCommandAPI {
query: () => void
join: () => void
leave: () => void
play: () => void
poll: () => void
interface SocketMessage {
command: keyof SessionCommandAPI
// required unless command === 'query'
match_id?: string
player_id?: string
// only present if command === 'play'
game_command?: GameCommand
type GameSocketSessionState =
| { status: 'not-connected' }
| { status: 'connecting' }
| { status: 'finding-game' }
| { status: 'joining-game'; playerId: string; matchId: string }
| { status: 'in-game'; playerId: string; matchId: string }
type Action =
| { type: 'open' }
| { type: 'close' }
| { type: 'find-game'; playerId: string; matchId: string }
| { type: 'join-game' }
function reducer(state: GameSocketSessionState, action: Action): GameSocketSessionState {
switch (action.type) {
case 'open': {
if (state.status !== 'connecting') return state
return { status: 'finding-game' }
case 'find-game': {
if (state.status !== 'finding-game') return state
return { status: 'joining-game', matchId: action.matchId, playerId: action.playerId }
case 'join-game': {
if (state.status !== 'joining-game') return state
return { ...state, status: 'in-game' }
case 'close': {
return { status: 'not-connected' }
default: return assertNever(action)
const initialState: GameSocketSessionState = {status: 'connecting'}
interface SocketHandle {
sendGameCommand: (command: Omit<GameCommand, 'playerId'>) => void
export default function useServerSocket(
onUpdate: (action: GameAction) => void
): AsyncHandle<SocketHandle> {
const profile = useUser()
const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(reducer, initialState)
// prep socket
const onMessage = React.useCallback((message: WebSocketEventMap['message']) => {
const data = JSON.parse(
switch (data.result) {
case 'found': {
type: 'find-game',
matchId: data.match_id,
playerId: data.player_id,
case 'joined p1': {
onUpdate({ type: 'set-player', team: 1 })
dispatch ({type: 'join-game'})
case 'joined p2': {
onUpdate({ type: 'set-player', team: 2 })
dispatch ({type: 'join-game' })
default: break;
}, [onUpdate])
const onOpen = React.useCallback(() => {
console.log('socket opened')
dispatch({type: 'open'})
}, [])
const onError = React.useCallback((event: WebSocketEventMap['error']) => {
}, [])
const onClose = React.useCallback((_event: WebSocketEventMap['close']) => {
console.log('socket closed')
dispatch({type: 'close'})
}, [])
const url = React.useMemo(
() => `ws://localhost:7636/ws`,
const {sendJsonMessage} = useWebSocket(
{onMessage, onOpen, onError, onClose, shouldReconnect},
// convenient type-safe wrapper
const sendJson = React.useCallback((message: SocketMessage) => {
}, [sendJsonMessage])
const sendGameCommand = React.useCallback((gameCommand: Omit<GameCommand, 'playerId'>) => {
if (state.status !== 'in-game') return
player_id: MY_ID,
match_id: state.matchId,
command: 'play',
game_command: {
playerId: state.playerId,
}, [state, sendJson])
// effects to push the coordinator along
React.useEffect(() => {
if (state.status !== 'finding-game') return
sendJson({command: 'query', player_id: MY_ID})
}, [sendJson, state.status])
React.useEffect(() => {
if (state.status !== 'joining-game') return
sendJson({command: 'join', player_id: state.playerId, match_id: state.matchId})
}, [sendJson, state])
// return game command handler in wrapper
const handle = React.useMemo<AsyncHandle<SocketHandle>>(() => {
switch (state.status) {
case 'in-game': {
return {status: 'connected', handle: {sendGameCommand}}
case 'finding-game':
case 'joining-game': {
return {status: 'connecting'}
case 'connecting':
case 'not-connected': {
return state
default: return assertNever(state)
}, [sendGameCommand])
return handle