oracle #1

stryan wants to merge 1 commits from oracle into master

PortableCards and treating cards as objects weren't stupid and didn't scale since I can't use Gobs.

Switching to a lookup ('oracle') based system simplifies both game and networking code, at the expensive of having to maintain the oracle

PortableCards and treating cards as objects weren't stupid and didn't scale since I can't use Gobs. Switching to a lookup ('oracle') based system simplifies both game and networking code, at the expensive of having to maintain the oracle
stryan added 4 commits 2021-07-25 13:39:43 -04:00
stryan added 1 commit 2021-07-25 13:44:03 -04:00
stryan closed this pull request 2021-07-25 13:44:41 -04:00
stryan deleted branch oracle 2021-07-25 17:24:03 -04:00

Pull request closed

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Reference: stryan/snengame#1
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